WBCE CMS – Way Better Content Editing.
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I know with the old News module and WB, posts were listed when using the google_sitemap module.
I installed v1.8.8 is installed and it only shows my main, visible pages, no nwi_ "posts" are shown.
Is there a setting I am missing, or is it something else?
You need version 1.8.9, which is included in the WBCE 1.4.0 package. Or just add before the line
// Bakery
the following code:
// News with images (NWI)
if (in_array('news_img', $modules)) {
$sql = "SELECT `section_id`, `link`, `posted_when`, `published_when`
FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_news_img_posts`
WHERE `active` = '1'
AND (`published_when` = '0' OR `published_when` <= $ts)
AND (`published_until` = '0' OR `published_until` >= $ts)";
$rs_nwi = $database->query($sql);
if ($rs_nwi->numRows() > 0) {
while ($nwi = $rs_nwi->fetchRow()) {
if (!in_array($nwi['section_id'], $public)) continue;
$checked = check_link($nwi['link'], $exclude);
if ($checked === true) {
$link = htmlspecialchars($wb->page_link($nwi['link']));
$lastweek = time() - (4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
if ($nwi['posted_when'] < $lastweek) {
$nwi_priority = $nwi_old_priority;
if ((version_compare(WB_VERSION, '2.7.0') <= 0) && $nwi['published_when'] > 0){
$lastmod = gmdate("Y-m-d", $nwi['published_when']+TIMEZONE);
} else {
$lastmod = gmdate("Y-m-d", $nwi['posted_when']+TIMEZONE);
output_xml($link, $lastmod, $nwi_frequency, $nwi_priority);
else {
$debug_info[] = $checked;
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thank you. I was confused by the version numbers. The WBCE 1.4.0 I downloaded includes google_sitemap ver 1.8.7
I see now that there has been some separate simultaneous development of the module between the WBCE package and the one on Ruud's website, which is ver 1.8.8 which does not include the nwi implementation.
I want to keep Ruud's implementation to show/hide hidden pages:
Version 1.8.8 20181204 (Ruud)
- fixed multiple sections not seen after pages scan
Version 1.8.7 20180529 (Ruud)
- added the $show_hidden variable. When set true hidden pages will be included.
So, I'll just combine the two for my needs.
I see, we missed that showhidden changes in the version which is in 1.4.0, they will be included in the google_sitemap of the next release of WBCE.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.