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unsere Seite ist ja nun komplett mit ShortURL eingerichtet. Jetzt viel mir schon länger mal auf, das alle Links entsprechend Umgeschrieben werden bis auf die RSS.php Datei. Hier fehlt das mit dem ShortURL.
Hier mal die Datei dazu:
Link einer RSS Datei: https://www.xprog.de/modules/topics/rss … tion_id=71
Die RSS.php hat folgenden Inhalt:
[== PHP ==]
* @author Chio Maisriml <media@beesign.com>
* @author Ralf Hertsch <ralf.hertsch@phpmanufaktur.de>
* @link http://websitebaker.at
* @link https://addons.phpmanufaktur.de/topics
* @copyright Chio Maisriml http://websitebaker.at
* @copyright phpManufaktur by Ralf Hertsch
* @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
if (!defined('WB_PATH'))
global $database;
// load the default settings
// the Section ID is not set yet
$section_id = 0;
$parameters = array();
// use the parameter 's_id' as Section ID (for backward compatibility only)
if (isset($_GET['s_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['s_id'])) {
$section_id = $_GET['s_id'];
$parameters['section_id'] = $section_id;
// use the parameter 'section_id' as Section ID
if (isset($_GET['section_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['section_id'])) {
$section_id = $_GET['section_id'];
$parameters['section_id'] = $section_id;
// set the limit for delivering articles, default is 20
$article_limit = 100;
if (isset($_GET['limit'])) {
$article_limit = (int) $_GET['limit'];
$parameters['limit'] = $article_limit;
// use the parameter 'counter' to switch the counter on/off - default is true (on)
$use_counter = true;
if (isset($_GET['counter']) && (strtolower($_GET['counter']) == 'false')) {
$use_counter = false;
$parameters['counter'] = 'false';
if ($section_id == 0) {
// read the first entry of the TOPICS settings to get a valid Section ID
$SQL = "SELECT `section_id` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_settings` LIMIT 1";
if (null == ($section_id = $database->get_one($SQL, MYSQL_ASSOC)))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
if ($section_id < 1)
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, 'no section_id defined'));
// get the TOPICS settings for the Section ID
$SQL = sprintf("SELECT `sort_topics`,`section_title`,`section_description`,".
"`use_timebased_publishing`,`page_id`,`picture_dir` FROM `%smod_topics_settings` WHERE ".
"`section_id`='%d'", TABLE_PREFIX, $section_id);
if (null == ($query = $database->query($SQL)))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
if ($query->numRows() == 1) {
$settings = $query->fetchRow();
$page_id = $settings['page_id'];
$sort_topics = $settings['sort_topics'];
$section_title = $settings['section_title'];
$section_description = strip_tags($settings['section_description']);
$use_timebased_publishing = $settings['use_timebased_publishing'];
$picture_url = WB_URL.$settings['picture_dir'].'/';
else {
// settings not found
die (sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, "no data found"));
$query_extra = '';
if ($use_timebased_publishing > 1) {
$t = time();
$query_extra = " AND (`published_when`='0' OR `published_when` <= '$t') AND ".
"(`published_until`='0' OR `published_until` >= '$t')";
$SQL = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `%smod_topics` WHERE `section_id`='%s' AND `active`>'3'%s ".
"ORDER BY `active` DESC, `published_when` DESC LIMIT %d",
TABLE_PREFIX, $section_id, $query_extra, $article_limit);
if (null == ($query = $database->query($SQL)))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
$topics = '';
$image_width = 100;
$image_width_px = $image_width.'px';
$last_publishing_date = 0;
// loop through the topics
while ($topic = $query->fetchRow()) {
$topic_link = WB_URL.$topics_virtual_directory.$topic['link'].PAGE_EXTENSION;
$rfcdate = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', (int) $topic["published_when"]);
if ($last_publishing_date < (int) $topic['published_when'])
$last_publishing_date = (int) $topic['published_when'];
$title = stripslashes($topic["title"]);
// hinzugefügt am 2912018 beginn
$extrafield_1_name = stripslashes($topic["txtr1"]);
$extrafield_2_name = stripslashes($topic["txtr2"]);
$extrafield_3_name = stripslashes($topic["txtr3"]);
$category = WEBSITE_TITLE;
// hinzugefügt am 2912018 ende
$content = stripslashes($topic["content_short"]);
// we don't want any dbGlossary entries here...
$content = str_replace('||', '', $content);
if (file_exists(WB_PATH .'/modules/droplets/droplets.php')) {
// we must process the droplets to get the real output content
include_once(WB_PATH .'/modules/droplets/droplets.php');
if (function_exists('evalDroplets'))
$content = evalDroplets($content);
if (!empty($topic['picture'])) {
// add a image to the content
$img_url = $picture_url.$topic['picture'];
$content = <<<EOD
<img style="float:left;width:$image_width_px;height:auto;margin:0;padding:0 20px 20px 0;" src="$img_url" width="$image_width" alt="$title" />
} // image
// add the topic to the $topics placeholder
$topics .= <<<EOD
} // while
$link = WB_URL;
$language = strtolower(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
$category = WEBSITE_TITLE;
if (count($parameters) > 0) {
$atom_link = WB_URL."/modules/topics/rss.php?".http_build_query($parameters);
$atom_link = WB_URL."/modules/topics/rss.php";
$charset = defined('DEFAULT_CHARSET') ? DEFAULT_CHARSET : 'utf-8';
$rfcdate = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', $last_publishing_date);
// create the XML body with the topics
$xml_body = <<<EOD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$charset"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<generator>xProg Topics by WBCE</generator>
<atom:link href="$atom_link" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
if ($use_counter) {
// ok - before we send out the feed we will track the caller!
$date = date('Y-m-d');
// exists entries for days in the past?
$SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT `date`,`section_id` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_count` WHERE `date`<'$date'";
if (null == ($past = $database->query($SQL)))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
while ($old = $past->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
// walk through previous entries, add them to statistic and delete them from the count table
$SQL = "SELECT COUNT(`md5_ip`) AS `callers`, SUM(`count`) AS `views` FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_count` WHERE `date`='{$old['date']}' AND `section_id`='{$old['section_id']}'";
if (null == ($result = $database->query($SQL)))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
// if ($statistic = $result->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC))
// die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
// insert the statistic into the statistic table
$SQL = "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_statistic` (`section_id`,`date`,`callers`,`views`) VALUES ('{$old['section_id']}','{$old['date']}','{$statistic['callers']}','{$statistic['views']}')";
if (!$database->query($SQL))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
// now delete the old entries
$SQL = "DELETE FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_count` WHERE `date`='{$old['date']}' AND `section_id`='{$old['section_id']}'";
if (!$database->query($SQL))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
// hash the remote IP address
$md5_ip = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
// check if this has called the feed previous
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_count` WHERE `md5_ip`='$md5_ip' AND `section_id`='$section_id' AND `date`='$date'";
if (null == ($query = $database->query($SQL)))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
if ($query->numRows() > 0) {
// add this call to the existing record
$update = $query->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
$count = $update['count']+1;
$SQL = "UPDATE `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_count` SET `count`='$count' WHERE `id`='{$update['id']}'";
if (!$database->query($SQL))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
else {
// add a new record
$SQL = "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_topics_rss_count` (`section_id`, `md5_ip`, `count`, `date`) VALUES ('$section_id', '$md5_ip', '1', '$date')";
if (!$database->query($SQL))
die(sprintf('[%s] %s', __LINE__, $database->get_error()));
} // $use_counter
// Sending XML header
header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=$charset");
// output XML content
echo $xml_body;
Wenn ich mir die google_sitemap.php angucke, funktioniert es da auch mit ShortURL.
Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich die rss.php in den Topics als ShortURL ausgegeben bekomme?
Liebe Grüße,
Füge in der /modules/topics/rss.php nach Zeile 102
$topic_link = WB_URL.$topics_virtual_directory.$topic['link'].PAGE_EXTENSION;
den angepassten Code aus der google_sitemap.php ein:
$linkstart = strlen(WB_URL.PAGES_DIRECTORY);
$linkend = strlen(PAGE_EXTENSION);
$topic_link = WB_URL.substr( $topic_link , $linkstart );
if(substr( $topic_link , 0, -$linkend ) == PAGE_EXTENSION) {
$topic_link = substr( $topic_link , 0, -$linkend ).'/';
} else {
$topic_link = str_replace( PAGE_EXTENSION , '/', $topic_link);
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Na toll, so einfach? Hatte mir ähnliches gedacht aber nicht getraut. Grins.
Florian, ich danke dir. Ein Problem nun weniger wegen dem gemecker von Google.
Liebe Grüße,
Pages: 1