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Does anyone have experience of using this module? @misc. @kant @bernd, may be able to help as the listed authors.
I am looking at adding a forum to my website. To test the waters, before committing to a full-blown installation I would like to try this. It may, in fact, be all that I need.
I have questions about user registration. I would like threads to be readable by all but only contributed to by registered users. If I add a login/registration can I set these users to a group which only accesses the forum or will they be able to access any registered area of the website? Does anyone have an example of a login to put on the page?
Any help appreciated.
Entschuldige dass ich auf deutsch antworte,
Grundsätzlich ist alles eine Frage wie viel man in daß Projekt investieren muss.
Es ist immer eine zweckmäßige Entscheidung zwischen Geld und daß was man möchte.
Du musst es nur einfach formieren, dann bekommst du eine Aussage was geht.
Hoster: ALL-INKL *** Grundsätzliche WBCE Konfig ***
WBCE: 1.5.4 • BE: 2.1.0 • PHP: 8.1.16 * 1. Projekt: FE: Simple responsive • BE: Argos * 2. Projekt: FE: hortal • BE: Argos * 3. Projekt: FE: WBCEZon • BE: Argos * 4. Projekt: FE: WBCETik • BE: Argos
Status Projekt 1-4: OK
Du musst es nur einfach formieren, dann bekommst du eine Aussage was geht.
@Slugger: Hat er doch
[1] I would like threads to be readable by all but only contributed to by registered users.
[2] If I add a login/registration can I set these users to a group which only accesses the forum or will they be able to access any registered area of the website?
[3] Does anyone have an example of a login to put on the page?
1) This should be possible, you can configure that forums/threads are read-/writeable either only for registered users and/or for everyone.
Access configuration is a bit tricky. The users which should be able to post need to be member of a WBCE user group, e.g. the forum has no own user management, but uses the WBCE access controls. So you need a certain group. The access rights of this group need to be very restricted, the only checkmarks for this group may be set to "forum" and the used frontend theme.
1), 2) Does not work properly. You need to set administrative permissions for the page with the forum section to the user group which should be able to post. But this means that these users could also modify/delete the forum page itself.
So forget it.
3) This would have been done with the usual WBCE login form (which is already included in some templates or can be generated by the droplet [[loginform]]), but due to the issue mentioned above it makes no sense either.
Furthermore, if you currently access the forum not logged in and then use the login form, a "blank page" error appears.
So unfortunately I can't recommend using the forum module - it seems to be buggy or outdated (@bernd, @kant - no offense).
Beside of this, you should re-think if founding a new forum makes sense in general. It's very hard to gain a "critical mass" of users nowadays - if there are no active discussions, no users will register, and if no users register, there will be no discussions. Some years ago I tried to establish an english only forum for WBCE on wbce-cms.org (using myBB), but after 6 months I still had less than 10 users, so I skipped it.
Last edited by florian (03.01.2023 10:12:14)
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thanks for your advice @florian. I had reservations myself about the viability of a forum but I am trying to find ways of building connection with our local community and getting some feedback from residents. We do have a FaceBook group but I don't have a FB account so don't follow this. Back to the drawing board.
Hello everyone here
Writing posts is only possible as an administrator, I've found that out now that I'm almost finished.
So that means that the forum plugin is completely broken and the best thing I can do is install another external forum, right?
Shouldn't the plugin then be removed from WBCE's download selection?
Wie kommst du darauf?
Habe hier WBCE 1.5.4 ... und das am laufen
Server version - 10.5.22-MariaDB-1:10.5.22+maria~ubu2004-log
Host info - Localhost via UNIX socket
Protocol version 10
Client info - mysqlnd 8.1.22
Client encoding utf8
Hoster: ALL-INKL *** Grundsätzliche WBCE Konfig ***
WBCE: 1.5.4 • BE: 2.1.0 • PHP: 8.1.16 * 1. Projekt: FE: Simple responsive • BE: Argos * 2. Projekt: FE: hortal • BE: Argos * 3. Projekt: FE: WBCEZon • BE: Argos * 4. Projekt: FE: WBCETik • BE: Argos
Status Projekt 1-4: OK
Weil ich die gleichen Probleme habe die oben angesprochen sind.
Du hast also eine veraltete Version...
Aktuell ist WBCE 1.6.1
Last edited by erich (07.12.2023 15:31:23)
Was steht in der Error log Datei bei dir, damit der Fehler behoben werden kann
Hoster: ALL-INKL *** Grundsätzliche WBCE Konfig ***
WBCE: 1.5.4 • BE: 2.1.0 • PHP: 8.1.16 * 1. Projekt: FE: Simple responsive • BE: Argos * 2. Projekt: FE: hortal • BE: Argos * 3. Projekt: FE: WBCEZon • BE: Argos * 4. Projekt: FE: WBCETik • BE: Argos
Status Projekt 1-4: OK
Welcher Fehler. Ich kann nur schreiben wenn der User admin ist wie oben beschrieben.
Ein Einstellung auf eine spezielle Usergruppe zieht da nicht.
Hab das plugin wieder deinstalliert nachdem ich da stunden versenkt habe bin ich jetzt auf ein phpbb umgestiegen. Was zwar ein wenig zu groß für das gedachte ist aber dann so funktioniert wie ich will.
Mir wurde zugetragen, dass es im Github-Repo die Versionen 0.6.7 als Release und 0.6.8 als work in progress gibt
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Pages: 1