WBCE CMS – Way Better Content Editing.
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thanks again for your words I will do the best and let us see what happens with WBCE in the future.
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Here the newest screenshot of pages adminpage for desktop:
You will see that I've switched the color from pink to green (same green like on the WBCE main page). Maybe I will implement a color switching solution, but actually I've more important work is to do like rework every single htt-file.
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:42:00)
And here two screens more of pages adminpage:
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:42:46)
Maybe the template will get another rename but that should be no problem because its nothing finale here...
Is anybody interested to check (and maybe test a little bit) the current template? It is nothing feature-complete, a lot of pages aren't rewritten but you can get a first feeling of the template and my work.
If only one may be interested then I will publish here a download link.
Here the last screenshot:
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:43:20)
Just a "few" words as You might have missed a Discussion that accidentally was overtaken by German language.
First of all i really like your work !!!
You should posiibly have had a word or Two whith the Devs before starting...
There are quite a lot of things going on in Development i think you need to know .
First of all the BE is rewritten step by step , to be fully modular so on New modules you can bring you own templates for any kind of module.
All backendpages will be plain Admintools whith a template that can be overridden by the BE template.
The Basic Templates will still be plain PHP Templates like Argos OR FLat but if you deliver a nice Bootstrap Template it will be valid
for all core modules and all new modules at least the ones made by me. Having an optional Loader that loads module templates from the FE or BE template if they exist will be new module standard.
The only thing that is bad about this feature is that the modular BE wont make it into the 1.2.x released soon, but it will be in the 2.x that is released around Christmas. The feature is already functional in the latest head , but too many Admintool Modules have trouble running inside a class , because they use Globas in a slightly abusive manner. So we decided to Fix the Modules first and avoid bad surprises for users in this update (1.2.x)
Maybe You have a look on the current master where you can create your own template vor several admintools all settings and the preferences page already.
Another interesting thing is that outputfilter will be available in the BE in this release already this also comes whith a new set of template placeholders
for javascript CSS Metas and more (Placeholders will be added automatic by the use of a filter. ) If you install OPF dashboard you will even have fully controllable Outputfilter in the BE and FE.
The 1.2.x Version of WB will use jQuery 1.11.3 which is API compatible to version 2.1.4 but supports older Browsers. Together this is used whith jQuery Migrate and a recent jquery ui in the BE. And whatever you load in the FE (/Includes/jquery/jquery.js will point to the version mentioned above)
About Bootstrap : Botstrap won't become a default standard(for the reasons already stated ), but i will actively try to make it easy to implement any Framework You like. And module templates will become standard.... i am a bit in a hurry writing more about this later .
yeah. Great to hear some nice stuff from you as a dev! OOP is the future, global vars are ugly I will check your new template solution next week and with a few manuals and examples I'm willed to implement it in coming release of this backend template.
But is it ok when I will hurry up to get the first version of this backend template done for WBCE V1.2?
I would like to test it, but maybe it's better not to give public access to the download already to avoid that too much versions circulate? So if you don't mind, send me the download link by PM.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
you are right. I've sent you a PM. Any others who want to test Fraggy?
Last edited by rjgamer (29.05.2016 18:25:06)
I'm really looking forward for the first finished public version. When it's ready, I would like to feature it on the WBCE homepage if you don't mind.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thanks for the flowers
I don't know when WBCE V1.2 will be released, but I hope to get the first finale release done until the end of June 2016.
Maybe it will be part of the WBCE package or maybe the new official BE template I'm saying that because I'm not really sure under which license I should release the template. To be a part of WBCE it should be GPL, but as webdesigner I prefere MIT license. Please tell me devs, which license should I choose?
Nice js workaround implemented to get white background panels (in this case without title) for module-specific adminpages.
More screens maybe tomorrow monday...
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:43:52)
Login pages done:
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:44:49)
Looks good. Please change the wording from "WebsiteBaker" and "WebsiteBaker CE" to "WBCE" and if necessary have an eye on the links in the footer (the word WBCE should point to wbce.org).
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Okidoki. Is it better?
Login Mobile #2
Login Desktop/Tablet #2
Hardest part done: Too many logins
Hehe, joking. But the plain warning.html and as non-part of the templating solution is not really great.
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:46:21)
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Newest screenshot:
My work is done for today. I've a meeting this afternoon.
Have a nice day.
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 22:46:42)
@rjgamer: I would also like to test your backend theme and give you some feedback if you like. Just drop me a PM with the download link.
Account inactive since 2018/11/17.
Ok when I send you and florian tomorrow or this evening the newest version?
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 19:02:20)
I'm fine with that
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
@rjgamer: Great
Account inactive since 2018/11/17.
PM sent.
Some details about a coming feature of the template: The CSS is created with SASS and will be released as minified and non-minified stylesheets. For a better download performance, the minified version will be linked in the template pages as default.
I'm planing to install a demo version of the template. Stay tuned for more news tomorrow (maybe with a link )
A small design bug: Maybe it's too early, but at the moment the length of the sidebar is too short, if there are many input fields on a page. You can see this at the options page or if a content page has more than one WYSIWYG section. See attached screenshot (I marked the gap with a red line).
The neoflow Link on the login/logout page does not work yet.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
thx. Can you please refresh the cache and test it again?
Oh, the settings page is not ready yet. Did you see the bug on media, extensions or start pages?
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 16:46:14)
oh damn. Stupid me. I'm sorry. Error is gone, of course.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thx for info. I will start to implement versioning to get new urls after every release, so you dont have to refresh the cache. Versioning example: http://bla//style.css?v0.1
Last edited by rjgamer (30.05.2016 16:49:06)
I was too fast. The error still occurs, but not on all pages. On the pagetree and when editing a page, the left sidebar is long enough, on the options page it is not. Also after emptying cache and also with Chrome.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.