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Hi I am updating the WBCE Site online, the version online is WBCE Version: 1.3.1, and local I have updatët to 1.3.4
php version online is PHP Version: 7.0.33, local is 7.3.13, after configuration and change the content, i see this in the errorlog in the admin dir: show_menu2 error: $aOptions is invalid. No flags from group 1 supplied!
I have the posts about it, but I dont get it, whats is wrong?
[== PHP ==]
$mainnav = show_menu2(
$aMenu = 1,
$aStart = SM2_ROOT,
$aMaxLevel = SM2_ALL,
$aItemOpen = '<li><a [if (class!=menu-expand) {href="[url]" class="[class]" target="[target]"}]>[menu_title]</a>',
$aItemClose = '</li>',
$aMenuOpen = '<ul>',
$aMenuClose = '</ul>',
$aTopItemOpen = false,
$aTopMenuOpen = '<ul class="chevron">'
Please check the template, there is probably another SM2 call where the 4th parameter / $aOptions does not start with SM2_ALL, SM2_TRIM, SM2_CRUMB or SM2_SIBLING.
Please make also sure that you check all templates you are using on your site, e.g. if you set the template of some pages to another than the defaut template it's probably that one which causes the error log entries.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thnx for you're supply, indeed there is also a metanav = show_menu2 and i have inserted the code from $aOptions mainnav into the metanav, all good now!
Thanks! I have tryed al lot, but I had not come up with this. thank you again.
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