WBCE CMS – Way Better Content Editing.
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WBCE Version: 1.5.0
News with Images 5.0.7
I "think" I understand some of the "Order By" functions, but am not sure of others. Maybe someone could clarify these.
Custom = posts appear as they are manually arranged in the backend
Start Date = posts appear in descending order by the date set in the Start Date dialogue. Is this the same as "published when" date?
End Date = posts appear in descending order by the date set in the End Date dialogue.
Submitted = the actual date the post was created, regardless of the Start Date (published when date?).
Submission ID = I do not know what this is, how it can be used, or how it differs from "Submitted".
Thank you.
It's exactly as you described.
Actually I'm now wondering too how Submission ID could be used since there can't be any order difference to the submitted date afaik.
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
I left this option, although I also had no idea how there could be a difference between sorting by date and sorting by ID. Just in case...
Ich habe eine Amazon-Wishlist. Oder spende an das Projekt.
Ich kann, wenn ich will, aber wer will, dass ich muss, kann mich mal
Thank you both for clarifying.
Upon further thinking...
I guess, order by Submission ID would allow you to display a listing of every x posts (e.g. every second or third, or odd or even). Not sure when that would be useful, but there may be cases.
Upon even more thinking, this would involve custom coding, and so simply selecting it as the "Order By" mode, would not achieve this. Oh well.
Last edited by losttrip (13.09.2021 17:25:09)