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#1 08.03.2021 21:28:27


Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

Minigallery Version2.5 - Default Lightcase lightbox in use.

When an image with a caption is viewed in landscape orientation on an iPhone (not sure about other devices), the image takes up the entire viewport height, and so the caption is not visible.  I can also reproduce this in firefox responsive design mode.

The caption is visible in portrait mode.

I need all captions to be visible in all orientations as this caption is a link to hidden content.

Any ideas on where to look for a fix?  I've tried but can't seem to make any headway.


#2 08.03.2021 22:27:15


Re: Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

I managed to make the caption visible (a single line, at least) by:
- switching fullscreenModeForMobile to false.
- adding the following to my template:
#lightcase-info {
    position: relative !important;
    padding-top: 5px !important;

I feel like there must be a better way, so I am still interested in any input.  Thank you.


#3 09.03.2021 01:32:16


Re: Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

I've encountered another issue.

I add a caption to an image.  Then I click the green pencil icon to edit the caption.  I want to remove the caption, so I delete the entered text, then click save.  But the original caption remains.  It will let me remove all but a single character.


#4 09.03.2021 07:09:32


Re: Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

About the caption display in the frontend:
/modules/minigal2/lightcase./src/css/lightcase.css, line 379f.

@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
  /* line 19, ../scss/components/modules/_info.scss */
  #lightcase-info #lightcase-title {

change to

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
  /* line 19, ../scss/components/modules/_info.scss */
  #lightcase-info {

About the delete issue:

1) add

if (response=='-delete-') { response='';}

before line 75

console.log('This is your response: '+response);

2) add

if (inputValue=='') { inputValue='-delete-'; }

after line 135


3) change line  138




Last edited by florian (09.03.2021 07:16:38)

Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.


#5 11.03.2021 08:06:56


Re: Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

@losttrip, did that work for you?
@dev4me, maybe you'd like to adapt (or improve) the code for a future version of MiniGallery?

Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.


#6 11.03.2021 12:45:22


Re: Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

Hi Florian.  Sorry, for the slow reply.  The caption solution you offered did not seem to make the caption more visible.  Perhaps I did something wrong.

I did contact dev4me directly, and was offered a solution for both issues.  They seem to work, but I have been so busy I haven't fully tested or followed up here... I will post them here when I have... when I have a chance later today.


#7 16.03.2021 02:32:48


Re: Minigallery Version2.5 captions not visible in landscape mode

I figured if full screen mode was active, then the caption should flip from being below the image, to being over the image, so it remains visible.

With Dev4me's permission, here are his solutions:

In the module frontend.css add:

#lightcase-info {
        position: absolute;
        background: none;
        width: 100%;
        bottom: 0;
        padding: 0px !important;
        z-index: 1;

    #lightcase-info #lightcase-caption {
        color: #fff !important;
        font-size: 20px !important;
        background: #0009;
        padding: 0 10px !important;

This will be the result:

To use it only on small landscape screens put it within a mediaquery like this

@media (max-width:991px) and (orientation:landscape) {

For the deleting captions I have a tweak in the next (yet unpublished) version.
In functions.php (v2.5.2 - line 280) find:

function minigallery_save_caption ($section_id, $filename, $caption ) {

After the next line (global $database;) insert the next line:

if($caption == '-') $caption = '';

Now you can remove a caption by saving "-".


Many thanks to all for your time and assistance.  Hope this helps someone else down the road.


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