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I know the Auto Resize of uploaded images functionality exists in the plugins. But it does not seem to be working or active. Is there something I need to do to have all images uploaded through elFinder resized?
it has to be activated manually.
In modules/elfinder/ef/php/connector.wbce.php, find (2 times)
$opts = array(
and add behind the following code
'bind' => array(
'upload.presave' => array(
further configuration options see the source code of the plugin (modules/elfinder/ef/php/plugins/AutoResize/plugin.php)
Last edited by florian (06.09.2021 07:05:50)
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thank you!
Was this information made available to the forum users somewhere? I'm sure others would be interested.
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