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Happy New Year!
I took a look at Administration Tools » Module Update Check and I noticed:
Visitor statistics - WBstats Local version Server versions 0.2.2
But when I click on "Visitor statistics - WBstats"
it shows as the latest version. I know that the version on dev4me is 0.2.2, but I have been warned that those modules are no longer guaranteed to function well with newer versions of WBCE/WB.
My main question is, where is the Module Update Check getting the Server version 0.2.2 info from?
Also, the Help instructs:
To include the counter to your website add the following line to your template(s), somewhere in the first <?php ... ?> block;
I presume this means in the index.php file of your template?
and if so, is this a suitable location?:
// redirect if this file is invoked directly
if (!defined('WB_URL')) {
header('Location: ../index.php');
include (WB_PATH.'/modules/wbstats/count.php');
Last edited by losttrip (23.01.2022 21:18:33)
I've updated the entry in the AOR.
My main question is, where is the Module Update Check getting the Server version 0.2.2 info from?
The AOR is a usual WBCE instance where all modules which are listed to download are also installed. The update check just compares the versions of that modules with the versions of the instance where it is called. So after I updated the WBCE core on the AOR the included wbstats module was updated too, but I missed to update the download page.
I presume this means in the index.php file of your template?
and if so, is this a suitable location?:
I'm not sure. That call is on top of the <html> tag.
I usually add the wbstats call to the simplepagehead call, e.g.
// no direct file access
if(count(get_included_files())==1) header("Location: ../index.php",TRUE,301);
<html lang="de-de" dir="ltr">
<?php simplepagehead();
include (WB_PATH.'/modules/wbstats/count.php');
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
...and so on...
Last edited by florian (01.02.2022 12:58:08)
Sorgen sind wie Nudeln: man macht sich meist zu viele.
Thank you!
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